


Valtteri Virtanen
+358 405181271


September 2022

· live shows

Next live show 21st of October at Bar Kuka, Turku!

Previous 9th of July, Soliti Fest at Ääniwalli, Helsinki:

June 2019

· Velvet Jam Restored

2019 brings the restored version of the Velvet Jam video, the way it was meant to be seen.

From the New Tigers' s/t debut album, released 21.9.2011 on Soliti.
Video by The New Tigers.

December 2018

· New Year Highlights

In the Soliti 2018 end of the year lists Appu considers (by request) the highlights of 2918:

”Nick T asked me for the highlights of 2918, so here we go:

How much can happen in 900 years, and what will remain after 900 years? If you think of 1118, within many aspects it’s still quite much presumptions or even hearsay, with some writings, books and paintings remaining of course. Buildings from 1100 AD are sparse. Nowadays there’s internet and new ways of storing sound and images, but you never know the kind of turmoils that can suddenly swipe over whole civilisations.

Considering the time span of human generations and the average height of family trees they’re nothing compared to 900 years. But in Buffy The Vampire Slayer there is for example a vampire called Angel (Angelus) who’s over 200 years old, which takes us to a whole nother speed of time. So according to existing information vampires can at least in theory live forever, therefore some current vampires could be there still then to tell us what are the highlights of 2918.

But vampires do need human blood to survive. Even if the changes in the conditions of the earth caused by global warming wouldn’t be a direct threat to them, the extinction of humans would be their end (some sources say they can consume the blood of other animals too, but the same extinction threat applies there). According to Buffyverse there is another dimension called Pylea where Angel visits in his spinoff series Angel, where vampires can withstand the light of the sun and where they are holding humans controlled like cattle, using them just as their food. This doesn’t seem like a very sustainable model, humans create huge amounts of co2!

I wonder what part of the blood is it that vampires need, could there be a way to create it scientifically, ”pulled blood” or something? It might be that vampires are not very good with science as they are soulless creatures formed from the worst fears and desires of the bitten human turned maximally evil. Watcher Duncan Fillworthe has described them having a ”hunger for life that’s been damned to never be satisfied.”

So my guess is that the highlights of 2918 will be either:

a) celebration of the history of vampires getting a hold of the big picture, getting a control over their primitive urges and destructive structures and not feasting on humans but having some sort of sustainable food process instead

b) some sort of doomsday-like (from human’s point of view) scenery where there is no vampires nor humans in sight but just overheated cycles causing massive upheavals, chemical elements reacting to each other in violent ways, lifeforms probably diminishing and developing towards very simple organisms to survive in any form or just turning to dust.”

November 2018

· Valtteri in Soundi

Valtteri shares Soundi-magazine some things that have been recently on his mind:

More news

September 2018

· Live shows next months

Our mini tour with Pia Fraus is coming:
20.10. Tallinn, Estonia, Von Krahl /w Pia Fraus
09.11. Turku, Dynamo /w Pia Fraus
10.11. Helsinki, Bar Loose /w Pia Fraus

June 2018

· New music video for 'In the Tall Grass'

Third single from 'Do Xao' out now as a music video and a standalone release!
The music video was made by Appu Jasu.

Superworldindietunes premiered the single and had some great things to say about it:

Is it their finest work to date? “In The Tall Grass” is impossibly evocative, these impressions jotted down before I even knew the title – the song induced a kind of trance – crickets, the hissing of summer lawns, the delicious, ambiguous, almost imperceptible backing vocals, the memories of a hot summers day recalled on a cool evening as you drift off to sleep, railway sidings. The Beach Boys if they grew up in Kansas and had never seen the ocean, the fragments of sounds, a piano played in a hot living room somewhere on the prairie, a song nobody was meant to hear, and the echoing coda, as you drive away into the night, oh you’re never coming back.

Our thoughts about the song:

The third single from the album 'Do Xao', “In The Tall grass”, was made with experimental methods. The verse is sampled from a very old rehearsal jam, interestingly titled Delay Trees. On that we built a soundscape using different percussions, synth bass and a drum sample from another rehearsal – where Appu, Valtteri and Leif Elverstig jam on “Pretty Young Thing” by MJ. The lyric is very loosely based on the book East Of Eden. Very, very, very loosely that is, given that the writer of the lyrics hasn’t even read part two of those books.

Older news

May 2018

· Tigers-curated playlist

We made a playlist for One Quart Magazine of some song that we were listening in the process of making 'Do Xao', looking for moods and inspiration.

Find it on Spotify: .

May 2018

· Interviews

Helsingin Sanomat Nyt-liite interviewed Valtteri:


Turun Sanomat interviewed Janne: .

April 2018

· Our new album 'Do Xao' out now!

Listen/download/share/buy it from the following outlets:

Some comments from us:

“While recording “Do Xao” we became more like curious professors and less like a live rock band. We had a lot of fun in the process but also debated a lot. In the warmth of the summer we had a few good ideas and a faint vision of how it could sound. In the damp autumn some of the ideas decomposed and some of them continued to grow. The winter 2018 was spent inside a crazy creative cave having a very busy time. It’s great to have new music and great to be playing some live shows with our top new drummer Niko.”
– Valtteri

“We were not interested in one particular genre but wanted to search for something new so it was basically a jump into unknown waters. One of the core rules of The New Tigers has always been that we can do anything and it will still be The New Tigers – if we like it – so we wanted to live up to the name and do just that (rule #2 is there has to be something a bit silly 🐉). We did found some paddles and made our way to some wonderful places.”
– Appu

The album was premiered at Rumba and Austin Town Hall.

March 2018

· The new single 'Domino' is out!

Listen / download it here:

January 2018

· Interview in a Danish website called Bands of Tomorrow:

October 2017

· Our new single 'Three Shadows' is now released!

You may stream/buy it from one or several of these places:

The song was premiered by Austin Town Hall and Rumba, and has been featured on several blogs so far:

Our comments about the song:
"This song was written in several sessions taking place in an apartment in close proximity (but not at) the center of Turku, on both sides of an areca palm, a guitar on the other side and a keyboard on the other. A few leaves of the plant are half eaten, the eater being a grey cat, but fortunately areca palms are non-toxic to cats and dogs, and so the plant and the cat are thriving.

"The song was recorded in a small industry area on the outskirts of the town, where one tuesday two practicing neighbours, a harmonica-featuring blues band and a solo freestyling metal drummer, played in almost perfect unison unbeknownst to themselves. The recordings were executed and supervised by The New Tigers."
Older news

July 2017

· New music video released!

May 2016

· New EP out